Our Story
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa is Calvinistic in Theology, thus adhering to the system of doctrine taught in the infallible Word of God as set out in the Calvinistic Creeds. The Church subscribes to the form of governance based on historic principles (Presbyterian Polity) of Church order, which is a heritage of the Presbyterian Church. The EPCSA is governed by Presbyters, that is; ruling Elders and teaching Elders or Ministers who are organised in Consistories, Presbyteries and Synod sessions. We, as a Presbyterian Church, recognise Christ alone as the Supreme Head of the Church.
Historical Origin of the Church
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa (EPCSA) has come into being of the labours of the ‘Mission Suisse dans I’ Afrique du Sud’ (Swiss Mission in South Africa) and was established in 1875. The Church has evolved over the years; and has, in the past, variously been known as ‘The Tsonga Presbyterian Church’, ‘Presbyterian Church – Swiss Mission in S.A.’ ‘The Swiss Mission’ or even ‘The Bantu Swiss Mission’. (In the following, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa will be designated as the Church). The first Missionaries who laid the foundation of the Church arrived at Valdezia, Limpopo Province in 1875.
The Swiss Missionaries went about setting Mission Stations at what they deemed strategic areas such as Valdezia, Elim, Shiluvane and Masana for rolling out the noble religious cause. Fundamental in their plan were the key tenets critical to improving the lot of the poor and marginalized communities, which are: Education, Health and Land for Agricultural use. Although the Church was founded in areas that are dominantly Xitsonga speaking; its legacy extends beyond the bounds of religious communities and benefitted ordinary people irrespective of ethnic and religious affiliations. It is this gesture of indiscriminate service to humanity that continues to inform and inspire the Church’s religious mission.
The Church has a special relationship with the Reformed Churches in Switzerland as defined in subsequent ‘Conventions’. The Church also enjoys special fraternal relationships with other Churches in the SADEC region, such as Mozambique, the Igreja Presbiteriana de Mozambique (IPM) and Lesotho, the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA) based on shared foundation; as well as other Church formations of Presbyterianism or Reformation descent such as the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (UPCSA) and the Presbyterian Church of United States of America (PCUSA).
The Church, although affiliated to other Church bodies such as the South African Council of Churches (SACC) and the World Reformed Council of Churches (WRCC) and Church Unity Commission; remains an independent body guided by its own Constitution. Religion is a global phenomenon; hence the Church will remain open to explore and forge new relationships with other reformed religious bodies. The Church exists within communities confronted with many social, political, religious, and economic issues afflicting its Members. The Church will pronounce itself on social issues guided by religious principles, and the relevant policies
The Theological Foundation of the Church
God in Christ is the Head of the CHURCH as scripture attests that all powers in heaven and on earth is given to Christ by Almighty God, who raised Christ from the dead and set Him above all rule and authority, all power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Him the Head of the Church, which is His body. God in Christ calls the Church into being, giving it all that is essential for its mission in the World, for its building up and for its service to both God and humanity.
The Church confesses the one faith held by the Church Universal, this faith being in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world; this same Jesus in whom God revealed Himself. The Church therefore worships the ONE God, Father, Son and Holly Spirit. Under guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church strives to foster the advent of the Kingdom of God on earth. God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, Justice, goodness, and truth.
This Church professes its dependence on the Word of God, as contained in the 66 Books of the Holy Scripture, the Bible: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament only. This Word stands in judgement over the Church and constitutes the only foundation of faith and life. The Church believes that all the books are inspired by God and contain the sole authority of our faith and life. All commands necessary to life are contained in the Holy Bible.
The Church fosters spiritual life by means of worship, teaching, proclamation, sacramental life, and communion. Should it prove necessary to admonish or rebuke a Member, this shall be done in love, for the task of the Church is to bring life and health. Whilst embroiled in the meshes of evil, the Church ceaselessly strives to maintain the Holy name of the Gospel. The Church is one with the Church Universal, the body of Christ. This Church strives for the advent of the Kingdom of God on earth. In so doing, it seeks to follow in the ways of its Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and bring new life to all.
The Church confesses the faith proclaimed by the early Church as embodied in the Declaration of Ecumenical Synods and represented by the Apostles and Nicene Creeds, these being considered as constituting both witness and test of faith. This same faith, which the Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples, is still confirmed by the Holy Spirit in the Church today.

Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Beliefs
The Church strives for the advent of the Kingdom of God on earth, and to prefigure God’s creation. It seeks to follow in the ways of its Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and bring new life to all humankind.
The Church is concerned with the planting of the Kingdom of God, in the Republic of South Africa and abroad through Jesus Christ, in word and in deeds. The Church has as its mission to foster spiritual life by means of worship, teaching, proclamation, sacramental life, and communion.
Statement of Belief
The church confesses the one faith held by the church universal, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world in whom God revealed himself. The church therefore worships the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Under the guidance of the Spirit, she strives to foster the advent of the kingdom of God on earth and to prefigure God’s new creation. She acknowledges her dependence on the word of God, as contained in the scriptures of the Old and Ne3, which stands in judgment over the church and constitutes the only foundation of faith and life. She confesses the faith proclaimed by the early church as embodied in the declarations of the ecumenical synods and represented by the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.

Our Values
The Soul of Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa
The Church subscribes to Christian values that are informed by its Theological beliefs and seek to promote such values amongst its Members. The Church identifies itself with values that bear evidence to love, truth, unity, respect, humbleness, integrity, generosity, openness, discipleship, and fairness.
Our Leaders
The duties of the Synod Management Committee are outlined in sections 3.17 to 3.20 of the Constitution. Key to its functions is the day-to day management of the affairs of the Church and the implementation of decisions as directed by Synod and Synod Executive Committee. The Synod Executive Management Committee collectively exercise fiduciary responsibilities.

Rt. Rev. GS Moyane

Rev. RN Khoza
Deputy Moderator

Rev. TDY Sombhane
General Secretary

Rev. SK Maphophe
Deputy General Secretary

Rev. R Kubayi
General Treasurer