Giyani East
In 1969 when the church started it was accommodated at the Machangana Territorial authority at magistrate offices at Bendstore. There after the church made a request to use Sukani Primary School. The minister in charge was Evangelist Lucas Mihloti Sithole.
When Giyani was established in 1969, the main religious organisation was the Evangelical Presbyterian Church which was then called the Tsonga Presbyterian Church (Swiss Mission in South Africa). The reason for this was that most exponents of Gazankulu Government employees were members of this church. The Chief Minister of Gazankulu Prof Hudson W Edison Ntsanwisi was the Moderator of Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) in one way or another influenced the establishment of EPC in Giyani.
More than 80% of the Government servants originated from Valdezia and Elim and their religious activities made it possible to build the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) Church hall. This EPC complex was taken into use in 1973 and it was a social centre for all community activities. When the Swiss Mission heard the news of the creation of Giyani as the capital of Gazankulu, the Liaison Committee of the Bread for Brethren provided about R100 000 for three years (1970 – 1973) for the construction of the social hall, parish centres and offices in Giyani. They then placed two ministers’ one African minister Rev E.lias F C Mashava and the other white minister Rev Theo R Schneider.
Rev Elias F C Mashava – January 1973 – December 1976, was the first minister of Giyani East. He was instrumental in putting a solid infrastructure for this church as a model for Presbyterian Church. He was followed by the following ministers: Rev Hendrick M Phelembe (January 1977 – December 1987), Rev Dr Theo R Schneider (October1982 – June 1983) it was the time Rev H M Phelembe was in Switzerland on study leave. Rev Ntlaweni NJ Ngwenya (January 1988 – December 1999), is the one who established Giyani West and 76 D2 site for the present biggest church we are all proud of, Rev Shirilele PH Khosa (January 2000 – December 2011), is the one who got the concept of a presbeterian church that, Rev Mbalisi W Mkhatshwa (January 2012 – March 2016) and Rev Risenga A Mathebula (2017 – 2023). This church has been fortunate to have had able, dedicated and visionary leaders who are committed to their work.
Giyani West
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa (EPCSA), Giyani West Parish is formed by Giyani West and Nghalalume churches. The main office of the parish is situated at stand no 1860, Section E, opposite the unused new sports center and adjacent to the Vurhonga Primary School. The Giyani West branch has eight zones, Nyeleti (formerly Zone 1), Antioch (formerly zone 2), Ebenezer (formerly zone 3), Giligala (formaly Zone 4), Jerusalema (formerly zone 5&6), Samariya (formerly zone 7), Ngalava (formerly zone 8), and Kanana (formerly zone 9). Nghalalume does not have zones.
This parish was established around 1980/1 by Rev H M Phelembe and was a branch of the Giyani East Parish and called Murhogolo. The Gazankulu Government established new suburbs due to the inflows of people from different regions and villages (Switandi) of the homeland and some coming from the South (Johannesburg, Pretoria, and the Vaal Triangle) coming to work at the capital of the Gazankulu Homeland. Due to the phenomenal growth of the Giyani Township, the church was prompted to establish new branches and the Giyani West Parish was born. It started at Risinga Combined School which was later converted to Ndzalama Primary school at Section D1. During the time when Rev H M Phelembe was overseas, the head office sent Rev Schneider to work in his position. Because of the growth of the branch, the church moved to the Dutch Reformed Church, still in D1, where the two churches were sharing church buildings and a “platoon” system was used with the Dutch congregating earlier and Giyani West later.
After the departure of Rev Phelembe, the Giyani Parish/Presbytery called Rev N N J Ngwenya. He encouraged the church members to start collecting money and bought two stands for the purpose of building a church and a minister’s house. The Giyani Parish/Presbytery was then divided into two parishes, the Giyani East and Giyani West with the following branches: Thomo, Hatshama, Siyandhani, Nghalalume and West.
The following ministers and probationers worked at Giyani West Parish: Rev Ntlhamu (part-time), Rev F R Mthombeni (full-time), Rev M C Mthabella (probationer), Rev H F Mayimele (Part-time), RevN N J Ngwenya (part-time), Rev M W Khosa (part-time), Rev H D Masango (overseer) and Rev S E Mculu (whilst on pension). The first minister to be called officially was Rev E P Machavana who was coming from Nwamintwa.
In the years around 2000 to 2006 Rev E P Machavana and several of the Giyani West parish members moved to form a branch of the Standing for the Truth Movement (SFTM). After this, the head office sent Rev S E Mculu who started the project of rebuilding the parish. After Rev Mculu’s retirement, the head office sent Rev M W Khosa.
The parish is currently led by Rev B Mapiyeye who was called in the beginning of 2022. Giyani West parish has about 600 total members; which includes children, youth, adults, male, female, contributing and non-contributing members. All guilds are alive active and growing.

EPCSA Polokwane Parish is under the leadership of Reverend S.C Tlhabela. It is one of the parishes under the Giyani Presbytery which is under the leadership of Reverend R.A Mathebula. It is situated in one of the places of attraction in Polokwane City. Among others, the majority of people from various Presbyteries are working in Polokwane. The parish is conveniently located from other Presbyteries, thus all Synodal EPCSA meetings are held in Dalmada, our home of peace.
The Parish has 4 branches, namely, Polokwane Central, Tsakani (Tshamahansi), Katekani (Mookgophong) Malwandla (Zebediela) and Turfloop. The parish is heavily involved in community building projects. We have installed 2 boreholes in 2 of our branches, namely, Malwandla and Tsakani. These boreholes will assist these communities with the irrigation of various vegetable gardening projects. The parish has also identified 5 families for Outreach. These families are assisted with groceries and toiletries every year. The Parish Women’s Guild also assisted two families to get RDP. Our building projects are on track. We have successfully completed the first project of building the Multipurpose Hall in Dalmada. The second project of building the mission house is also progressing very well.